Sharon Swanson
Sharon Swanson is an award-winning essayist and documentary film producer. Her essay “Keeping Secrets” was included in the anthology Mothers and Strangers, published by the University of North Carolina Press in spring 2019. A former freelance writer, documentary film producer, and marketing director for Sutter Health (Sacramento, California), she holds a graduate degree in nonfiction writing from the Writing Seminars at Bennington College, a masters of public administration from East Carolina University, and an undergraduate degree in social work from Winthrop University. Sharon’s documentary film, Landscapes of the Heart: The Elizabeth Spencer Story, premiered at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and was screened at film festivals across the country and on public television. Sharon manages Arts & Health at Duke University and the Volunteer Services Office at Duke University Hospital.
Ten Things I Can’t Do Without
- Nerd dancing
- Diet Coke fueled writing retreats
- The sound of my daughters’ voices
- Affectionate nudges from Riley, my 11-year-old rescue dog
- Mystery novels
- All kinds of books
- PBS dramas and mysteries
- Pumpkin everything
- A home with big windows
- Trees, grass, and flowers outside my big windows