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Alexandra Gould

Living and working near Bath in the southwest of England, Alexandra Gould is a portrait artist. Inspired by nature, philosophy, and science, she was the expedition artist on the Five Deeps Expedition of 2019 with Victor Vescovo, the deep sea expert Prof. Alan Jamieson OBE, Triton Submersibles & EYOS Expeditions.

Alexandra’s art captures the subject’s narrative and personality into a striking painting. The realistic and thoughtful artworks imbue the viewer with a sense of something deeper and more meaningful than a good surface representation. Her aim is to create a dialogue, offering something tangibly more than an image. It’s created to reveal another way of looking, of sharing ideas, in the hope of starting new thoughts in the viewers mind.

Portfolio: Follow links in the left of the portfolio for 5 Deeps podcasts and interviews.

Ten Things I Can’t Do Without 

  1. A plan
  2. Freedom to thank
  3. “Food” for thought
  4. A walk
  5. Fresh clean air
  6. Kindness
  7. Flavorsome food
  8. Rich & delicious red wine
  9. Storytelling
  10. Awe

Alexandra Gould's contributions: