Photo courtesy of the Institute for the Arts and Humanities, UNC–Chapel Hill
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Michele Tracy Berger
Michele Tracy Berger, Ph.D., is a professor, a writer, and a creativity coach. She is an associate professor in the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies at UNC–Chapel Hill. Her main love is writing speculative fiction, though she also is known to write poetry and creative nonfiction. Her creative writing has appeared or is forthcoming in the Chapel Hill News, Glint, 100 word story, Thing Magazine, FIYAH: The Magazine of Black Speculative Fiction, Oracle: Fine Arts Review, Flying South, Carolina Woman, Trivia: Voices of Feminism, Ms., The Feminist Wire, and various anthologies. Her sci-fi novella Reenu-You, about a mysterious virus transmitted through an all-natural hair relaxer, was recently released by Falstaff Books. She hosts an award-winning blog that supports writers called The Practice of Creativity. www.micheleberger.wordpress.com
Ten Things I Can’t Do Without
- Morning tea with my partner, Tim
- My 1990s black leggings from The Limited
- Dance (especially Zumba)
- Aromatherapy
- Raptors
- The practice of saying and writing positive affirmations (they work!)
- Close friends
- Books
- Laughter
- Beaches