Photo by Samia Serageldin

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Nahed Rouchdy

Nahed Rouchdy was educated at the Mère De Dieu School and the American University in Cairo where she studied political science with a minor in history. Over the past several years she has concentrated on photography. Nahed lives in Cairo where she works in management with Misr International Towers Company and is married with two children.

Ten Things I Can’t Do Without

  1. Reading
  2. Yoga—I sometimes lead the yoga class for fun when the teacher is absent
  3. Films
  4. Traveling, especially for the opportunities it provides for photography
  5. Music
  6. Long walks by the seaside
  7. Swimming
  8. Rowing in my canoe in the Red Sea
  9. Photography, especially photographing sunrises and sunsets
  10. Scrabble online with friends and on Facebook