Kennedy shaking hands of patients from the Georgia Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation (GWSIR)
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Portfolio: Photographs
- Speech by Senator John F. Kennedy, the Little White House, Warm Springs, GA, October 10, 1960
- Speech by Senator John F. Kennedy, the Little White House, Warm Springs, GA, October 10, 1960
- Speech by Senator John F. Kennedy, the Little White House, Warm Springs, GA, October 10, 1960
- Speech by Senator John F. Kennedy, the Little White House, Warm Springs, GA, October 10, 1960
- Speech by Senator John F. Kennedy, the Little White House, Warm Springs, GA, October 10, 1960
- Kennedy shaking hands of patients from the Georgia Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation (GWSIR)
- Former Georgia Governor Marvin Griffin (on the left) shaking hands with a member of the press
- Georgia Governor Ernest Vandiver giving an introduction and welcome to Senator Kennedy
- President of the Little White House giving an introduction and welcome to Senator Kennedy
- Alabama Governor John Patterson
- Graham Jackson (on the left) a friend of Roosevelt’s who played the accordion when his body left Warm Springs. On the right is Basil O’Connor, an attorney and a close friend of Roosevelt’s who served on the GWSIR board and was active in the early days of the drive to cure polio.
- Physical Therapists who drove some of the patients from GWSIR to see Kennedy and two of the patients.
- The Little White House Historic Marker
- The Little White House Historic Site in Warm Springs GA. Photo by Jim Clark. http://tinyurl.com/p28ykek
After my initial time spent at the Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation (WSIR) following my spinal injury resulting from a diving accident, I returned to WSIR for follow-up in October 1960. I have been an avid photographer from an early age, and always did my own developing and printing. Therefore I had my camera with me whenever possible. John F. Kennedy made a campaign swing through Georgia on October 10, 1960, which included a speech at Franklin Roosevelt’s Little White House at Warm Springs. Several patients, including me, were invited to go hear him. Naturally I grabbed my camera and went.
I was seated in a spot near the podium and got several excellent images of Kennedy and some of the other dignitaries, including a funny one of former Georgia Governor Marvin Griffin shaking hands with a press corps representative, both with cigarettes dangling from their mouths. I was fortunate to snap a photo of Kennedy just as he made a dramatic gesture with his arm thrust upward. Another photo was of Kennedy moving down the row of patients from WSIR. I was surprised to see an apparently disembodied outstretched hand at the lower left of the photo, which belonged to a Georgia State Trooper partially hidden by another in front when I developed the picture. When Kennedy reached me, I noted his extremely limp handshake. He must have been very tired and probably suffering pain from his bad back.
I have never published these images and only recently scanned my negatives and made enlargements from them. I was not sure people would believe that I was the one who took these photos. Then, a few months ago, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution published a story titled “Flashback Fotos: JFK’s 1960 campaign in Georgia.” To my great surprise one of the photos showed me in the audience at the Little White House speech with my camera and strap partially visible around my neck. Now I had proof I was there!
Always delighted to see photos, especially those never seen before, and read about my favorite President! Thanks for sharing.
I am glad that he stiffened his back and strengthen his grip — at least after he got his hands on the reins of government.
This is fun, perhaps especially for those of us who can remember the visit.
Having been friends with Jim Gates nearly all my life, I was delighted to read his story of that day. Seeing the President, photographing him and other dignitaries was a memorable time for Jim, and I am so glad he shared it with others. The photos are truly historical and most interesting!
So glad the public is able to view these photos, Jim and learn the background regarding the circumstances of that day. Also, I’m feeling pleased that I was able to see one of the photos of then Senator Kennedy in person!
Thanks much for sharing these photos, significant in terms of both regional and global history.
This is incredible. I have seen many of the photos in the LWH archives and to now put a person to the camera is amazing. Thank you so much for sharing.