Photo by Alfredo Calvo, La Casa Cultural

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Erendira Jimenez

Erendira Jimenez is currently a student at Yale Divinity School where she is studying for her Master’s of Divinity, and is also a Postulant for the Holy Orders of the Priesthood in the Episcopal Church. Home for her is elusive, but includes Chiapas, Mexico; San Diego, CA; Seattle, WA; Louisville, KY; and New Haven, CT, where she currently resides. She holds an M.A. in Spirituality from Bellarmine University and has enjoyed working alongside university students for the last five years as a campus minister at the University of Louisville and currently as a Graduate Assistant at La Casa Cultural: the Latino cultural house at Yale. Erendira is a self-taught tapestry weaver, her preferred way of storytelling. She finds her time best spent community building, community organizing, and finding ways to invite change in institutions by turning toward the voices at the margins.

Ten Things I Can’t Do Without

  1. Stories—listening and telling them
  2. My shoes, my lipsticks, and my big hoop earrings
  3. My rock-climbing shoes and chalk bag
  4. Bunny, my silly nine-year-old rabbit
  5. All the yarns I’ve collected over the years
  6. All the textiles I’ve collected over the years
  7. A good Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, natural processed coffee
  8. A night on my couch with popcorn, wine, and a movie
  9. A night of dancing
  10. A road trip, good music, and my journal

Erendira Jimenez's contributions: