Photo by Tia Streaty

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Gina Streaty

Born in Indiana during the 1960s civil rights era, Gina Streaty credits her small-town upbringing and large, “atypical” family with her deep-rooted passion for writing. The self-employed technical writer, freelance writer, editor, poet, teacher, and lecturer is a member of the Carolina African American Writers Collective (CAAWC). Her work appears in numerous publications including BMa: The Sonia Sanchez Literary Review, Treetops (World Haiku Review), Black Arts QuarterlyRole Call: A Generational Anthology of Social and Political Black Literature and ArtI’ve Known Rivers: The (MoAD) Story Project, Martin Luther King Jr.: An Anthology of Multicultural PoetryHurricane Blues, Solo Café 8&9, and Temba Tupu!: Walking Naked. She also earned the Zora Neale Hurston Literary Award and the HAND poetry prize.

Ten Things I Can’t Do Without 

  1. GOD (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and my Bible
  2. My beautiful, talented daughter
  3. Friends who are family
  4. Walks in nature
  5. Dried fruit (munching on figs right now, deliciousness)
  6. Stand-up comedy—I have to laugh!
  7. Philanthropy—It keeps me humble.
  8. CSPAN-2 Book TV (addiction)
  9. Google
  10. Faith

Gina Streaty's contributions: