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Jardana Peacock

Jardana Peacock is director of Liberation School. She is a spiritual teacher and healer who has been working in Southern social movements for more than a decade. She has worked with hundreds of changemakers globally to address trauma through an anti-oppression lens. She is author and curator of Practice Showing Up: A Practice Guidebook for White People Working for Racial Justice and is currently working on a new anthology with Rusia Mohiuddin with the working title “Sustenance for Social Change: Practices and Strategies for Changing the World.” She is based in Kentucky. You can reach her at

Ten Things I Can’t Do Without

  1. The natural world
  2. Spirituality
  3. Community
  4. Bodies of water
  5. Sunrises/sunsets
  6. Art/artists
  7. The imagination
  8. Love
  9. Sex
  10. Speculative fiction