Home Is Where Things Fall Apart

What if, even when things fall apart, there is still a home to inhabit? If we’re willing to shift away from the idea of home as a place or house or even a person, there is a possibility...

Writing Exercise

You are a writer, and therefore there is an irritating holiness to your mission. For you, every object in each drawer is infused with a certain quality, an accumulation of time, irony, and...

Home Is Not Where I Thought It Would Be

And somewhere along that circuitous route that brought us here, we’ve learned that Dorothy was right.

Finding House and Home

His instruction to his partner was clear: Keep going. There is more. Don’t stay here. What we built together will be your home, and in that home there will be room for more life, more...

The Lord’s Corner

to let my eyes wonder where the thickest shine sat


Indoors, I like to not only document the rooms to inspire others for their own spaces, but to highlight the small moments to give the viewer a sense of the quotidian activities.

Forging a Family Tree

If I’m on the hunt for lessons in my family tree—lessons on how to abide and who I ought to be—here is one: To make the world a better place.

The Mystery of Home

We all know that some clichés exist because they are true, and I cannot make my peace with the inevitability of change until I accept that it is the only constant. If the sea has taught me...

The Etymology of Home

My childhood felt a lot like climbing onto a Ferris wheel that had lost control. It kept flailing around, in directions chosen by a pair of unpredictable scientists trying to study...

Clover Garden (Excerpt)

In the years since, I have often thought of his huge full-throated howl, his vigorous ear-flapping, his table-clearing tail, the long, high lonesome ahooooo he made sometimes.

“Home” is surely the most universal and yet the most nebulous of concepts. For some, it is where their ancestors are buried; for others, it is feeling at home in their own bodies. For expats, it can be a foreign culture they relate to more than their own; for immigrants, it can be the atavistic pull of the continent of their birth, however alienated they feel from it after a lifetime in their adopted land. Home can be the repository of memories and memorabilia, or the showcase for the homeowner’s taste. In this issue we explore a variety of interpretations of home, through words, images, and poems.