With all things considered, in this body of work, Najee Dorsey has configured an Afrofuturist visual narrative, that outlines our seemingly impending future, caused by the advent of modern...

Smokestacks In the Distance: Environmental Racism, Afrofuturism, and Najee Dorsey’s “Poor People’s Campaign”
I’m scared too, and I’m outraged and sorry. But I’m also grateful to these young people—birthed, some of them, in unprecedented ways, into unprecedented times.
Oaxaca’s Future, Not Set in Stone
But at what risk to local culture and identity? As multinational capitalism continues its relentless expansion, this is the critical question for this vital pocket of the Global South.
Louisiana: The Front Lines of Hope in the Face of Four New Global Realities
If we start right now, we can also be a global leader from a place of great vulnerability and become a guiding light to the world.
We Hold These Truths: Code-Cracking, Happy Socks, and the Future of Prisons
The truth I want to hold has a name, a family, a future beyond prison walls.
My Unlikely Path to Afrofuturism
What’s interesting and paradoxical is that despite futurism being in the description, as an aesthetic Afrofuturism is interested as much in memory and representation of the past as it is...
Burden’s Travels
We were completely isolated. Still, that late, I never imagined we would lose our country.
The future of humanity, utopian or dystopian, is increasingly an obsession of the zeitgeist. In this winter issue, our thoughtful contributors bend their talents, whether for data-supported projection or fanciful imagination, to address the challenges to come. The most common threads are concern over the environment, climate change, and economic and racial inequities, particularly in the justice system. These are global issues, but also intensely regional: Andrew Doss makes the point that his native Louisiana is “the canary in the coal mine of climate change.” Yet all of our contributors hold out hope in humanity’s ability to save its future through urgent action and global connectivity. We invite you to travel along their lines of speculation.