“Home” is surely the most universal and yet the most nebulous of concepts. For some, it is where their ancestors are buried; for others, it is feeling at home in their own bodies. For...
Summer 2024
Water and summer are intimately related. But beyond our memories of beach vacations, the great oceans, seas and rivers uniquely convey the historical record of lives lived and lost on their...
Spring 2024
Spring is synonymous with new beginnings, with the renewal of hope and energy, and the resilience to reemerge out of the dark night of winter. Our contributors' stories span the...
Fall 2023
In this season of holiday travel, our Fall issue explores myriad kinds of journeys: travel abroad to discover the world and witnessing history unfold, or on a mission of good works, or...
Spring 2023
Art in the community provides a space for collective creativity that may reflect a geographic location or ethnic heritage and bring together artists in disparate fields to support one...
Fall 2022
Autumn and abundance have been associated with each other since ancient times—witness the image of the overflowing cornucopia ubiquitous in art. We celebrate nature’s bounty all...
Summer 2022
Animals play diverse roles in human lives, beyond prey or predator, friend or food. Our contributors in this issue explore intriguing aspects of our relationships with the animal...
Winter 2022
Valentine’s Day falls on February 14th, making this special month one of love. This issue revolves around many kinds of love which have one thing in common: the power of healing. A...
Fall 2021
At no time of year is the transition to a new season as dramatic as that of autumn. The blaze of leaves sends unmistakable signals to every species of fauna and flora to prepare for winter....
Summer 2021
The Summer issue of South Writ Large explores miniature worlds, objects, instructions, and playthings. Fascinated by the role tiny items play in enlarging imagination, through our...
Spring 2021
After what has felt to be an interminable winter and for many, a time of isolation, we welcome spring with all of its delights and outdoor possibilities. Warmer weather brings the...
Winter 2021
The Winter issue of South Writ Large marks our ten-year anniversary. Heartfelt thanks to our generous contributors and loyal readers for their support throughout the decade. We are grateful...
Fall 2020
The Fall 2020 issue of South Writ Large focuses on the complexity involved in issues of representation and memorialization by exploring monuments, symbols, museums, imagery, and...
Summer 2020
"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex." 19th Amendment, U.S. Constitution One hundred...
Spring 2020
"It is a wholesome and necessary thing for us to turn again to the earth and in the contemplation of her beauties to know the sense of wonder and...
Winter 2020
The future of humanity, utopian or dystopian, is increasingly an obsession of the zeitgeist. In this winter issue, our thoughtful contributors bend their talents, whether for data-supported...
Spring 2019
“Men come and go, cities rise and fall, whole civilizations appear and disappear—the earth remains, slightly modified. The earth remains, and the heartbreaking beauty where there...
Summer 2019
Summer, more than any other time of year, is the memory-making season. So it is appropriate that this Labor Day issue looks back at summers gone by, days ago or decades ago, and...
Fall 2018
The Fall issue of South Writ Large offers examples of the expected and unexpected ways that we share resources: kidney donation, common DNA, inspiration, outreach to the underprivileged,...
Summer 2018
The tension between appearance and reality is explored in its vastly varied forms by the writers and artists in our summer issue. In an age of competitive lifestyle and food blogging, what...
Winter 2018
The ancient Greeks recognized many kinds of love: Eros, or romantic passion; Agape, the love that extends from family to all of humanity; Philia, deep friendship. Love, in all its...
Fall 2017
The Fall brings with it the particular beauty of its color palate but, even as the leaves flame out in a final farewell before the coming season, there is a sense of decay and demise...
Summer 2017
Festivals, common to all cultures, fascinate by the variety of their origins, their rituals, and their importance in terms of sheer numbers. From narrowly local to international, from...
Spring 2017
The ancient Greek philosopher, Thales of Miletus, thought that water was the source of all life. Throughout the history of civilization, water and life have been intimately intertwined. In...
Winter 2017
We live in a progress-driven, youth-oriented world. The dramatic social, technical, and economic changes of the last twenty years would make this world scarcely recognizable to someone who...
Fall 2016
For the first time this fall of 2016, the U.S. presidential nominee for one of the two major parties was a woman. This inspired South Writ Large to ask our contributors to share some of...
Summer 2016
"The virtue of maps, they show what can be done with limited space, they foresee that everything can happen therein." - José Saramago, The Stone Raft In the summer issue of South Writ...
Spring 2016
The history of the human race is one of migration. We all come from a small region in Africa, but we have managed to scatter to every nook and cranny of the earth. The motivations for...
Winter 2016
The Oxford Dictionary defines "aftermath" as 1. The consequences or aftereffects of a significant unpleasant event and 2. Farming: New grass growing after mowing or harvest. Through...
Fall 2015
The chill in the air and the falling of leaves herald All Saints Day, Veterans Day, and the Day of the Dead, and thoughts turn to remembrance of those departed. Cemeteries become places of...
Summer 2015
The South has always tolerated and even encouraged the unique and unusual, the one of a kind. The Summer 2015 issue explores institutions - predominantly museums - off the beaten path or...
Spring 2015
The Spring issue of South Writ Large explores “the land” and our connections to it. In The Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture, Wendell Berry says, “Our land passes in and...
Winter 2015
The Winter 2015 issue of South Writ Large contemplates the role of nostalgia and memory in shaping creative expression. Our recollections may be unreliable witnesses to the facts, but the...
Fall 2014
Fall 2014 South Writ Large's Fall 2014 issue features contributions about politics, which has always played an important role in shaping the history of both the American South and the...
Summer 2014
Summer 2014 The Summer 2014 issue of South Writ Large celebrates the many forms of food and drink. Food does more than sustain; it binds us to places and people, offers an outlet for...
Spring 2014
Spring 2014 “I am the captain of my soul.” ― William Ernest Henley Confinement takes many forms, binding us physically, mentally, or emotionally. Our Spring 2014 issue looks at...
Winter 2014
Winter 2014 Winter is a time of quiet regeneration. The New Year marks the passage from the riotous abundance of the holidays to the calm renewal of energy that leads us to Spring. In...
Fall 2013
Fall 2013 The concept of memory is as elusive as the thing remembered. In this issue, our contributors find myriad ways to capture and lend meaning to memories. When traveling abroad,...
Summer 2013
Summer 2013 Our summer issue features some of the South's best storytellers. Spinning yarns is a Southern tradition, and our contributors have woven a handful of tales about Southern...
Spring 2013
Spring 2013 This issue explores the idea of "generations," which includes notions of time, ancestry, legacy, inheritance, what we know versus what we imagine--a sense of continuity and...
Winter 2013
Winter 2013 What gives a city, town, or region its character? How do artists engage place in their works? Does location matter? In the Winter 2013 issue of South Writ Large,...
Fall 2012
Fall 2012 In this Fall issue of South Writ Large, we explore tribalism in all its creative manifestations. Since time immemorial, humans have been driven to form organic or artificial...
Summer 2012
Summer 2012 When we typically think of summertime, we think of travel, new and unfamiliar territory, adventures, gathering points, and of course sunshine. In this issue, we hit the...
Spring 2012
Spring 2012 The American South has always been global, home to people from every continent, many of whom arrived from distant shores, some by choice, some by force. We recognize...
Winter 2011
Welcome Welcome to the inaugural issue of South Writ Large, a quarterly magazine that explores the relationship of the American South to the wider world. The magazine presents the many...